Friday, June 1, 2012

Mapping the Book of Mormon

I am not sure how accurate this is, so take it with a grain of salt but I found a site that talks about the geography of the Book of Mormon and estimated locations of where certain cities and places in the Book of Mormon could exist in real world locations of today.  Most of it is in Central America and some of the dates correspond to the Book of Mormon pretty well.  For instance, the Olmec culture has been considered to be the Jaredites spoken about in Ether in the Book of Mormon.  The dates are fairly close to one another.  But you can go see for yourself and decide how accurate this is.  Just remember though, the geography won't prove or disprove anything and it shouldn't be used as a measuring rod of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon because that can only come by a witness from the Lord.  Here is the Link

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jot and Tittle - What Are They?

In the scriptures Jesus said that he was come to fulfill the law and that one jot nor tittle would pass away without being fulfilled (Matthew 5:18, 3 Nephi 12:18).  The words jot and tittle are somewhat strange to those of us who are unfamiliar with the context in which they are used.  For reference it is important to note that both the Jews and the Nephites were followers of the Law of Moses which the Lord had given to the Israelites by commandment in order that they might look forward to the coming of the Son of God into the world and of His great Atoning sacrifice for all mankind.  Moses, by all accounts, spoke and wrote Hebrew, which means that the Mosaic Law was originally written in Hebrew.  The words Jot and Tittle are basically transliterations of Hebrew words and they refer to the smallest parts of the Hebrew alphabet.  The following reference will help explain why they are significant in the fulfillment of the Mosaic Law by Jesus Christ.