Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Book of Mormon - Translated Back to Egyptian

There have been many critics of the Book of Mormon over the years, including those who doubt its authenticity based on the fact that it was produced by an uneducated farm boy from upstate New York.  This post is the first in a series regarding the authenticity of the Book of Mormon.  

Elder Russel M. Nelson, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles related the following account regarding a man translating the Book of Mormon back into Egyptian and becoming converted to the gospel.  In the Book of Mormon we read that the record had been written in the "characters which are called among us the reformed Egyptian, being handed down and altered by us, according to our manner of speech."  (Mormon 9:32).  Since the record was originally written in a form of Egyptian, it would seem natural for it to follow some of the literary styles of the language.  The following document will cover several of the literary artifacts that confirm it is a true record.  

It is my testimony that the Book of Mormon is not only a true historical artifact, relating the history of the inhabitants of North and South America but also that it is another witness of the Lord, Jesus Christ.  It has been a confirmation to me that he is our Savior and that he is the Savior of the entire world, not just the Jews who lived in Jerusalem during his mortal ministry.  

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