Sunday, May 20, 2012

Keys For Avoiding Deception

It seems proper that in the course of my writing I should attempt to be as correct as possible.  With that in mind I want to reiterate that I am merely human and I make mistakes.  That being the case I think it may be profitable to post some information from a document I received in October, 2006 from my mission president.  It is titled "Keys For Avoiding Deception" written by Elder Marion G. Romney is an excellent guide on seeking out true doctrine.  Elder Romney was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as well as a member of the First Presidency of the Church. 

I will post the document in its entirety as attached photos to this post but before that I will list the four basic ways one can determine a true doctrine against a false doctrine.  

Elder Marion G. Romney listed the following guidelines to assist one to distinguish between divine truth and its counterfeits:

  1. Does it purport to originate in the wisdom of men, or was it revealed from heaven?  If it originated in the wisdom of men, it is not of God.
  2. Does the teaching bear the proper label?  If any teaching purporting to be from Christ comes under any other label other than that of Jesus Christ, we can know it is not of God.  
  3. The teaching must not only come under the proper label, but it must also conform to the other teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  4. Does it come through the proper Church channel?
I can tell you that these guidelines have always kept me in the right path when I have studied the gospel and tried to learn or understand new things.  

Along with these guidelines it is important to remember that one must have the Spirit of the Lord as their companion in order to gain any kind of edification during learning.  The prophet Brigham Young stated, 
"...I want you to remember that you ought not to teach the alphabet or the multiplication tables without the Spirit of God."  - Brigham Young University Mission Statement -
 So, dear reader, live so that you may have the Spirit of the Lord as your guide and follow the guidelines from an apostle of the Lord and you will surely fall into correct paths as you endeavor to study the word of the Lord.  

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