Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Conversation With a Pastor (Part 3)

I have provided quite a thorough background to this story in the last two posts that I have written about it.  Now I feel like it is time to share what was actually said between myself and the pastor.  I want it to be known that I have no issue with what someone wants to believe, so long as they are respectful about it and do not harm someone else while doing so.  The 11th Article of Faith of my church states,

"We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."

I thoroughly believe in this statement and do my best to follow it.  However, in relation to this pastor, please remember that he said some pretty terrible things about me and my faith.  He even suggested that we be "run out of town with sticks."  This, to me, is a threat of violence and as such grants him no right to do or say what he did.  Reasons like these have kept this in my mind all of these years and I think it is why I decided to finally contact him.  I do not know why I decided to contact him, or even what I was thinking of prior to doing so, but I do know that I felt as though it was my duty to bear my witness to him that what I believe is true and that what he said about us was wrong.  

In contacting him, and in knowing that he would ignore anything I said if I told her I were a Mormon right off the bat, I decided to say which church I belonged to.  I simply submitted this email and the document that I had prepared.  I also tried to be as pleasant as possible, giving him the benefit of the doubt (all things considered).  

Here is the first email I sent to him.  His response will follow in a later post.  


Several years ago I lived in Columbia Mississippi and had occasion to meet you once or twice. You probably wouldn't remember me but I remember you. It is not always easy to remember what a person says but it is very easy to remember how a person made you feel. Unfortunately, you didn't make me feel that good, and it was mostly because of what you taught and how you taught it. 

However, The Lord taught us to love our neighbors and so I have tried to expand that feeling in myself towards you. Actually, during the times you made me feel bad I still had love for you, but it has grown now. It has grown with an understanding that you were probably doing your best to teach the truth to the best of your ability with the light and knowledge you currently possess. 

I hope the best for you but I also pray that your heart will be open to receive more truth. It is very easy to interpret (or misinterpret) Gods word in many instances, but things that are true never change. Truth isn't subject to opinion. Truth is reason and truth is eternal. 

With this in mind I have compiled many references from the Bible for your consideration. I know that you will fully believe some of these things and some you will utterly reject, yet all are from the same bible and all are valid and true principles.  I would ask that you keep an open mind as you read them. 

My request to you is that you will not shut out anyone, or any church, that believes in things differently from you. All Christians should believe the things in this document, if they profess to follow the bible that is.  Please do not tear down other faiths because of what they teach. I realize your "ministry" is also your livelihood but that doesn't give you the right to deny people a belief in something or to condemn them for not following your faith. It seems strange that someone who professes to follow God and seek truth would deny someone that same privilege simply because it would cost you membership and income. It also seems cowardly to speak harsh words against a faith over the radio or pulpit while utterly shrinking to confront it when you face it in person. I hope that you are better than that now. A follower of Jesus Christ should not be a coward but should be willing to give an answer to those who ask them about their faith. 

I hope this document, if nothing else, will prove to be a useful study tool for you.  However, my wish is that it will open your mind to further light and truth.  If you have questions or comments I would be happy to answer you back. Also, if my words have offended you then I'm sorry, nevertheless they needed to be said.  If fortune favors us both, and you have been enlightened by this, then I will consider that I have gained a brother. I hope it is the latter. 

Best regards,

Hal Waldram

You can read my document in eBook form at the link below.

The True Church of Jesus Christ

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