Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The True Church of Jesus Christ - eBook

My hand writing isn't that easy to read.  That is why I decided to make this into a book.

While serving as an LDS missionary in Mississippi during 2006, I began working on a document dealing with the teachings in the Bible (specifically the King James Version of the Bible).  I originally titled it "29 Points of the True Church."  My main reasoning for writing it was that I wanted to have a reference guide available when dealing with people who accused my church and myself of not believing in or following the teachings of the Bible.  I found it much easier to have a clearly organized document available to turn to rather than having to frantically look through my poorly written (and disorganized) notes.  

This guide is unique in the fact that it uses only the Bible as the supporting work for the doctrines.  Many LDS reference guides utilize all of the Church's Standard Works (The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price) and, while they are useful in many circumstances, the unique situation I was in, of living in the Bible Belt, made me realize I needed something that used only the Bible to back up my claims.  Members of other Christian churches aren't too keen on believing other types of scriptures than the Bible, especially if their pastors or preachers are against them.  

So, with this in mind, I worked on creating a document that would be useful for both myself and for others of my faith who were trying to defend their belief in the Bible.  I gave my early drafts of the work to other missionaries and also to converts to the LDS faith.  Many of those converts have reported that the document has helped them silence critics of their faith by showing them that Mormons really do follow the teachings in the Bible.  

By early 2007 I felt that I had completed the document, having spent around 10 months working on it.  However, as time went by, I felt the need to revise some of the wording and formatting to bring more clarity and readability to it.  I have now released it as an eBook through Amazon and it is now available to read on any Kindle device, including Android devices, iPhones and iPads.  Here is the link.

While it is an eBook, it does not necessarily read like a book or a novel.  It is a study and reference guide and contains several explanations on different passages of scripture.  It is very easy to follow and has an index page so that the reader may quickly jump to a certain section.  

Although I am a Mormon, this book is not endorsed by the Mormon Church.  It is also not an official declaration or document of the church but is simply a compilation of my ideas and findings.  With that being said, I feel that the Latter-day Saint will find great value in using this book.  I also feel that any non-mormon person who is trying to study the Bible will find use of it as there are no references to anything besides the Bible.  I also hope it can be used as a faith building device for any seeker of truth and light.  

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