Thursday, May 16, 2013

Conversation With a Pastor (Part 4)

After I sent my original email, I did not hear back from him until later in the afternoon the next day.  Frankly, I was surprised that I received a response at all.  However, I didn't tell him I am a Mormon or that I was mad specifically at what he said about my church, and his reaction was interesting.  At first (before he knew which faith I belong to) he was very kind and apologetic for ever hurting my feelings.  Here is the message.  

Mr. Waldram,

I apologize, but I do not remember you. I am not sure of what teaching you are referring to. However, it seems you have very strong feelings regarding the teaching. I will read over the document you sent. I do not remember shrinking back from any teaching I have taught. Also, I do not remember any cowardly actions that I am guilty of... perhaps you could refresh my memory. I am not infalliable but I am ready to defend any teaching in my past to you or anyone else. I look forward to hearing more from you and maybe meeting you again.



I was very happy at his response.  Perhaps he had changed.  Perhaps he was more accepting of other faiths.  However, before I could respond again he wrote me back with the following email.  He had figured out I was a Mormon.


Mr. Waldram,

I read the document you composed. I respect the work you put into the compilation and I will spend some more time reading it. Earlier I questioned which teaching you were refeering to, but no question remains. I deduced you were referring to the series I taught regarding mormonism. You were exactly right when you wrote of my growth as a man fooolowing God. I thank God that I have and continue to grow as I am sure you have as well. I do apologize for some of the personal comments that I made in my humanity. However, I do not agree with the doctrines and or teaching of mormonism. I will continue to teach the dangers and deceptions of the mormons.

If you would expound upon the mormon doctrine of the diety of Jesus Christ and I would enjoy learning more about baptism by proxy, eternal marriage, and mormon eschatology among other aspects of mormonism. I respect your freedom to believe how you want, but please respect my freedom to raise questions about those beliefs. I do not apologize for that. I look forward and welcome continued response on your behalf.

I do have many major biblical and theological disagreements with you document. I will write of just one at present. Your line that the church "can ensure the salvation of its members" is not in line with biblical teaching. I do not believe the Bible teaches that any church can ensure salvation of its members. However, I believe with all my heart that Jesus Christ can ensure salvation of his body, the Church. I choose to leave those assurances up to Jesus.

Thank you,

I find it very amusing that someone who claims that Mormons do not believe in the Bible was able to determine that I am, in fact, a Mormon based solely on the Bible verses that I sent to him.  Perhaps our faith in the Bible is more widely known than people let on.  

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